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Friday, September 29, 2006

The 1-day Trial Membership

I would just like to thank all the gyms out there who offer 1-day trial memberships. Specifically all of the gyms where I have used those one day passes...
Laura: "Hi, I recently moved to the area and was looking for a gym to join; can I come in and try out your gym?"
Gym Employee: "Of course, come in, try it out & we'll sit down and talk about rates, your goals and your level of committment."
(I get my workout in and make a speedy exit.)

Hopefully this is an instance where small lies can be forgiven. My other option would be to actually tell the truth and say something like, "Hi, I'm a professional skier and I'm going to be in town for a couple days and would like to get into a gym to lift once. I was hoping you could help me out and let me come in and use your facilities." Which might work. BUT, I object more to asking for favors just because I'm an athlete. It's a moral dilema between lying and acting like I deserve special treatment.

I also disagree with the fast=cool correlation that a lot of people express. Fast people might be cool, but being fast doesn't make you cool or better than slower people. Unfortunately, we live in a results oriented society and it's easy to use results list to determine someone's personal value. Which is crazy.

Maybe I'll turn that thought into a longer rant in the future when my thoughts are more coherent.


Blogger Granny said...

Go for the rant, Laura, because your thoughts so far are coherent enough to justify continuing.

September 29, 2006 12:22 PM  

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