Our supple of pink lady apples survived the border crossing into Canada so I'm all set and still eating two premier Nordic Apples a day. Yum. So tart and tasty.
Now we're in SilverStar, one of my favorite ski towns!
This is how today went: Won my quarterfinal... Sadie Bjornsen. Laura Valaas. (although obviously Sadie and I aren't exactly challenging each other for the line.)
Results & race information available at bsfnordic.com.
Tomorrow is a 10/15k classic. It's supposed to be cold (and potentially windy) up at Bohart so they might either delay the start or move to a 3k loop at Lindley park. Wake up at 7am and check the website to find out. Or you may not. But I will be.
Our favorite musician-skier is going to be playing in Bozeman Saturday night!
Ian Ethan will be playing at Music Villa Saturday night 6-7pm. Ian is, as you probably already know, an amazing double-neck guitarist. Watching him play is pretty inspiring. & I just started learning how to play (two days ago) so I'm ready to be inspired.