Ode to my Gummies
Cherished gummies did meet their end.
Began their life with much promise
In a corner store, I commend,
But all too soon they met demise.
At close of perfect summer day
The warmth lingered ‘gainst the earth’s skin
With my sister, friend, and C.A.
We took gummies to the drive-in.
There we did enjoy and munch most
But one small pack, o’erlooked on the dash
Came home with us like parcel post
And, forgott’n, an auto food cache.
But, lo! we woke too late next morn
And the early morn sun did melt
Those poor sweet gummies, all forlorn
Oh! in agony and pain we knelt!
Good gummies, once distinct as worms
Were now a pool of neon goo
The sad sight our neglect confirms
Bright swirls of loss we had to view.
If you love them, do not leave your gummies!
In your car they will cease to be yummies!
No danger of melted gummies in AK this summer. Water logged gummies, yes. Frozen ones, maybe. Pool of goo? We wish.